Addiction treatment: First steps, types, and medications

To gauge the usability of telehealth for various types of substance use disorders services, we asked the online survey respondents, “About what percentage of patients are being treated via telemedicine versus in-person? ” The question was asked in regard to various sober house services. The least likely services to be delivered via telehealth were withdrawal management (39% of patients treated via telehealth), intake assessments for methadone (39% telehealth), and drug testing (17% telehealth). Eight published studies were identified that compared addiction treatment via telehealth with in-person treatment. Seven found telehealth treatment as effective but not more effective than in-person treatment in terms of retention, therapeutic alliance, and substance use. One Canadian study found that telehealth facilitated methadone prescribing and improved retention.

  • It becomes a cycle; you seek out these experiences because they reward you with good feelings.
  • For teens and young adults entering or already in college, you can ask the university if there are any dorms set aside for students in recovery.
  • This encourages access to the person’s family and other community supports that will help the client maintain an alcohol and substance free life.

Depending on patients’ living situations, patients may not have had a place to talk where they would not be disturbed or overheard. We conducted a survey of California addiction treatment organizations to understand their use and perceptions of telehealth. We identified organizations using the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator and information provided by the California Department of Health Care Services. We surveyed only organizations that accepted Medicaid or other county funding and asked organizations to respond to questions for their whole organization, not for specific facilities. The survey was sent to the organization’s leadership, who could also have been clinicians.

Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction

Several treatment options are available, and most people experiencing addiction will receive a combination of approaches. Medium to High Intensity
Clients attend hours of treatment a week (slightly less for teens) at a specialty facility while continuing to live at home. Many programs make services available in the evenings and on weekends so individuals can continue to work or stay in school. This is a better option for individuals with accompanying medical or psychological issues who need multiple services, or have not been successful in outpatient treatment. Al-Anon and Nar-Anon are support groups for friends and family members of individuals with an addiction or substance use disorder.

addiction treatment

Research also shows that these medications and therapies can contribute to lowering a person’s risk of contracting HIV or hepatitis C by reducing the potential for relapse. Learn more about substance misuse and how it relates to HIV, AIDS, and Viral Hepatitis. Longer-term use of medications helps to reduce cravings and prevent relapse, or a return to using the substance after having recovered from addiction.

Substance Abuse & Addiction Resource Center

But taking Naltrexone means the prescription will bind to the brain’s receptors. Drugs and alcohol will rewire the brain’s risk and reward neural pathways. When someone starts abusing a substance, the chemical compounds in the drug will directly impact the way the brain functions. In substance use disorder, a person’s body and brain have become so used to having the substance, that the person is unable to function without it.

  • Five studies involved patients with opioid use disorder, and three studies involved patients with problematic alcohol use.
  • Mission Harbor is dedicated to treating Santa Barbara County and Los Angeles County with specialized mental and behavioral health programs in a convenient outpatient environment.
  • Sober living homes help people in recovery strengthen their new healthy habits while still residing in the comfort of a structured environment with others who are also seeking recovery.
  • One small study compared the effectiveness of in-person counseling with telehealth group counseling (14).
  • Providers in our study noted that the relative benefit of telehealth depended on a client’s circumstances and stage of treatment.
  • With treatment, many people manage addiction and live full, healthy lives.

Different tools work for different people, but ongoing therapy and self-help groups such as Narcotics Anonymous help many. It’s important to turn to healthy coping mechanisms during these times of change, such as exercising, meditating or learning a new hobby. Consider seeing a mental health professional if you’re having issues managing your stress. The risk of substance use increases greatly during times of stress and change.

What medications are typically used to treat addiction?

The COVID-19 pandemic caused addiction treatment providers to rapidly pivot from primarily delivering in-person addiction treatment to providing telehealth treatment. California’s experience demonstrates that it is feasible to deliver many addiction treatment services via telehealth. We were able to identify only eight studies comparing the effectiveness of addiction treatment via telehealth with that of in-person treatment. In contrast, there is a large research base on the effectiveness of telehealth for treating mental disorders. This research showed that telehealth mental health counseling is equally as effective as in-person counseling (21–26). During 2000, almost 300,000 people entered addiction treatment services in New York State.

In addition, program services are beginning to reflect new models of service. Treatment models for women with children, specialized services for high-risk adolescents, and treatment programs for persons with both chemical dependence and mental illness are beginning to emerge in greater numbers. Similarly, prevention practice in New York State is being transformed by science and, consequently, public funds now support only evidence-based programs that have been proven by research to work. FDA has approved several different medications to treat alcohol use disorders (AUD) and opioid use disorders (OUD).

Longer-term treatment programs for substance-related and addictive disorders can be highly effective and typically focus on remaining drug-free and resuming function within social, professional, and family responsibilities. For people with addictions to drugs like stimulants or cannabis, no medications are currently available to assist in treatment, so treatment consists of behavioral therapies. Treatment should be tailored to address each patient’s drug use patterns and drug-related medical, mental, and social problems. Locate addiction treatment providers and services that support addiction providers. Since addiction is a biological disorder, we often prescribe medications to reduce cravings, block the rewarding effects of drugs and alcohol, and normalize brain function.

addiction treatment

Faith-based treatment programs provide specialized therapies and facilities that center around faith. Within this treatment program, people in recovery can surround themselves with like-minded individuals looking for guidance from a higher power to find recovery in the journey ahead. It is important to understand what services are available at faith-based programs to ensure all service needs, including medical, can be safely provided. Substance use disorder is a complex mental health and brain condition.

This can create an unhealthy drive to seek more pleasure from the substance or activity and less from healthier activities. Substances and certain activities affect your brain, especially the reward center of your brain. Research shows that mental illness may contribute to SUD, and SUD can contribute to the development of mental illness.

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